Call for Abstracts: Conference Responsibility, Psychopathology & Stigma

Organized online by the University of Antwerp’s Department of Philosophy, the KU Leuven’s Institute of Philosophy and the ERC Starting Grant Project NeuroEpigenEthics.

Dates: 9thand 10thof September 2021


Victoria McGeer (Princeton University)

Hanna Pickard (Johns Hopkins University)

Nick Haslam (University of Melbourne)

Maureen Sie (Tilburg University)

The main aim of this conference is to cross-fertilize research in what are up to now two separate fields. On the one hand there is the blooming field where philosophy of responsibility meets theories of psychopathology, specifically in addressing the question to what extent and in what way people diagnosed with a mental illness are to be excused for certain behaviours. On the other hand, there is an interesting line of psychological research on the link between stigma and neurological explanations of psychopathology. Going back to Peter Strawson’s articulation of the problem in terms of reactive and objective attitudes, many philosophers have thought of mental illness as a reason for exculpation. However, this objectifying treatment of people has important downsides, such as denying agency, and stirring up stigmatisation and other forms of social exclusion. Empirical research has shown that these effects are reinforced by a neurological approach to psychopathology. Exculpation of agents diagnosed with a mental illness thus seems to be a double-edged sword. Can we find a way in which we improve our understanding of psychopathology without at the same time stigmatising those diagnosed with mental illness? Should we create and adopt new forms of semi-reactive attitudes? Would it make a difference if we thought of neurological conditions in a more dynamic or interactive way? By confronting different strands of research from philosophy and psychology, we hope to find inspiration for a more balanced view of psychopathology that optimizes inclusion and acceptance of those diagnosed. 


Given the conference goal of cross-fertilization, we invite contributions from the fields of ethics, moral psychology, philosophy (of mind) or (social) psychology, preferably combining 2 of the 3 themes as per the conference title. We strive for diversity of views and presenters. 

Abstracts of 500 words should be sent to before May 15th 2021. They need to be attached as .pdf and need to be anonymized for reviewing. Please put all your contact information in the body of the email.

Notification of acceptance will be communicated before July 1st 2021

We plan on organizing a physical follow-up workshop with key contributors in Antwerp, somewhere in 2022.

Organizing Committee: Prof. K. Schaubroeck (UA), Prof. P. Adriaens (KUL), Jo Bervoets (NeuroEpigenEthics), Prof. K. Hens (NeuroEpigenEthics)